Infinity Energy & Mining Solutions

"Insurance and reinsurance at the service of energy facilities"

Infinity Energy & Mining Solutions offers coverage on sundry risks in the oil, gas, chemical, mining, electric and nuclear sectors and clean, alternative and renewable energy.

Depending on the risks to be placed, specifically or globally, the insurance coverage may include:

  • Exploration and production.

  • Source and downstream operations, including pipe and storage systems.

  • Service companies in oil camps and drilling contractors.

  • On-land and offshore constructions.

  • Energy production, independent producers of renewable and non-renewable energy.

  • Primary coverage and real estate surplus; light, heavy and oversized machinery, equipment and boilers.

  • Coverage in case of explosions.

  • Natural catastrophes.

  • Temporary cessation of business. Losses due to interruption of production.

  • Unusual expenses.

  • Coverage for diamond, gold and platinum mines and other precious stone mines.

  • Primary and excess liability.

  • Mining machinery and equipment.

  • Risk coverage in mine explorations.

  • Coverage for in situ storage and forward transiting of mining products.

  • Package policies for the construction sector. Delays in the commencement of the works.

  • Ecological damages.

  • Liability for damage to third parties.

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